
While writing, I have always kept three important ideas in mind.

One is to first entertain but then below the surface have a foundation of ideas or themes underneath the action and words. Long ago I learned that Shakespeare had to be first concerned with filling the Globe Theater, so he wrote with that firmly in mind and then he allowed himself the luxury of also writing at a different level.

Second is to instill the women characters with intelligence, forcefulness and relentless determination. The hope is that the strength they exhibit provides a welcomed change to which many of us are accustomed.

Third and last is to describe the journeys these characters take willingly and unwillingly, and chronicle how they confront, with unfailing courage, the dangers and doubts they experience along the way.

Read four of my synopses and one outline.


This video was produced many years ago, using hand drawn storyboards, subtitles and original music. The technology at that time limited what we could produce, even using professional video production facilities. In the intervening years some of the dialogue has been changed and some scenes altered, which is reflected in the written screenplay. The music track was written as if this was a silent film so there is much more than would exist in a true film. But nonetheless the video is an accurate visual depiction of the written screenplay.

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